Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Welcome to Hearts for Kate!

I've finally decided to follow all of the others that I know who made the jump from Carepages to an actual blog.  I will continue to post on Carepages for a while yet, but most of the pictures and things will be posted here because it should be easier. 

For anyone meeting us for the first time, I am Jenn.  My husband, James, and I have two wonderful children, Sean and Kate.  Our lives changed when Kate was born 3 years ago.  She was diagnosed prior to birth with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome and then further diagnosed with a whole list of additional congenital heart defects at birth that lead to doctors originally predict that she would not survive her first month of life.  In the last three years we have moved from everyone KNOWING that she couldn't survive and having Hospice care in our home, to cautious thoughts that maybe she could have a chance, to travels across the country for surgeries, to the news that "things aren't working" and we needed to consider a heart-lung transplant, to a small ray of hope as things got a little better and we put the transplant thoughts on hold for some more surgery. 

Right now, we are preparing for our 6th trip to Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford for Kate's 9th heart catheterization, and possible 4th heart surgery.  We are blessed to have strong support from our friends and family.  Currently, plans are underway for a benefit to help defray the costs of our travels.